Community Acupuncture of Mount Airy
Starting in 2020, CAMA offers our customers the ability to put together deep discount Treatment Plans that include (in addition to Acupuncture):
How we plan to save you money while setting up a Treatment Plan designed for your needs…
A drug-free, proven approach to stopping the progress, or even reversing your Diabetes diagnosis
Combining Acupuncture with massage for a holistic healing lifestyle change.
In the 15 plus years we’ve been servicing the Mt. Airy community we’ve noticed that often people only use acupuncture when symptoms arise.
This makes sense, it’s the way the Western, allopathic model that most of us grew up with works. It’s a sickness, instead of a wellness model. This is far from the ideal way to take care of your body.
We believe, a better way to take care of your body is to prevent the imbalances that naturally occur from becoming so severe they show up as symptoms and eventually blossom into disease. By combining a healthy lifestyle with wellness treatments to address the subtle imbalances as they occur, you can keep investing in your own wellness.
This would require, of course, your budgeting for your wellness (instead of just insuring for your illnesses). This may be a new idea for you to consider: setting aside a certain amount of your income each year to invest in prevention and wellness.
We’re here to make that easier for you by providing affordable treatment plans where services are bundled together and committed to in advance. This not only assures your well-being, it offers you discounts of as much as 60% over one-off treatment costs.
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If you have cancer diagnosis and are going through Western chemotherapy, we have put together a plan that will address the side effects of that treatment regime, which can include: neuropathy, nausea, and in some cases pain. Acupuncture is used in all major cancer hospitals as part of their cancer protocols, because its most profound effects are to increase white blood cell count and strengthen your immune system.
Unfortunately because chemotherapy can the decreased the number of white blood cells in your body, it is important to build your immune system up which acupuncture does effectively without any negative sides.
It’s also important to address the considerable stess that comes with such a diagnosis. Acupuncture’s been used for thousands of years to rebalance the nervous system and help people feel more grounded and centered and while going through cancer care and cancer treatment, reducing stress on the body significantly, both biologically and emotionally.
Our treatment plans for cancer support give you what you need for a fraction of the cost of receiving these services individually, by bundling our services. The treatment plan includes: a consult with an naturopathic physician who has had more than nine years experience with cancer, a nutrition coaching because food is medicine, and acupuncture for the biological, emotional and surgical benefits.
Food has been determined to be able to prevent, and many cases reverse pre-diabetes, in some the case of diabetes, reduce drug use and even reverse. At CAMA, and we’ve prepared a fantastic treatment plan that will help you to take your disease in hand and turn it around.
Prediabetes and diabetes are not currently managed in Western medicine by diet, but there is a lot of anecdotal and scientific support for diet as a major contributor. For many of you, diet may get you back on the road to being healthy. But at the very least, it may mean a reduction in the amount of drugs that you need to take. Either way, you will benefit from enrolling in our Ditch the Diabetes Treatment Plan.
Our diabetes treatment plan includes consults with: a specialist in diabetes and how to transition from your current diet to one that will reverse or significantly improve your condition; consults with a naturopathic doctor for a holistic view of your health to add to the information you receive elsewhere, and finally acupuncture to improve the function of your internal organs, specifically your stomach, spleen and pancreas all of which support to return to their healthy state.
By purchasing this bundle of services in advance, you can feel assured that you’ll stay on track to reverse this disease that has long-term consequences unless addressed holistically.
Put video here to describe the DTD package watch this video.
The building that houses CAMA was completely remodeled in 2009-10. We knew it was important to create a space for healing that was as non-toxic as possible. Therefore we used only environmentally friendly water based paints and stains, and purchased non-off gassing carpet. We use only non-toxic cleaning products as evaluated by the Environmental Working Group, sanitize our hands and wipe down surfaces with a non-toxic but highly effective germicidal, and recycle as much of our packaging and materials as we can.