Acupuncture is a 2500 year old healing art that is empirically effective–meaning that time and again over hundreds of years and millions of patients, it has proven itself to be a method of healing that works.
- Our current allopathic medical care system (only about 150 years old) requires that for any therapy to be accepted into mainstream use (and insured), it must be scientifically proven, meaning that in controlled laboratory studies, its effectiveness is shown to be significant and consistent. At long last, funding for these studies is now being directed toward acupuncture research.
- Once western medical institutions realized how many patients were using acupuncture, and how relatively inexpensive the therapy was compared to western treatments, many acupuncture studies began to be designed and were undertaken by patients just like you.
- Government financed research on acupuncture dates from the 1970’s, about the time the treatment first started gaining popularity in the United States. Of the many different kinds of therapies, due to its long standing history, acupuncture was the first to be studied, and funds continue to be there to support the research.
- For example in 2004, the federal agency that studies health care issues (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) was granted $117 million to continue its study of therapies such as acupuncture.
- The practitioners of this ancient healing art already know what will be discovered: that acupuncture is the most cost-effective, least side-effect creating, powerful, effective and useful therapy for chronic ailments (see the list at right for more info), an area in which western medicine has no great answers, and usually suggests drugs or drastic measures such as surgery–with no certain outcome and often with dangerous side-effects.
- While there is no substitute for western medicine in such acute care situations as: infection requiring antibiotics, broken limbs, heart attack, cuts requiring stitches, etc., acupuncture neatly fills the gap that is left by western medicine…those ailments that typically require medication to be managed: all types of pain, asthma, high blood pressure, heart burn, depression, anxiety, diabetes, fatigue, etc. It has also been shown to help with fertility (see our fertility specialists page).
- But don’t just take our word for it! Over time, the studies will show the effectiveness of acupuncture for many conditions….it’s already been “proven” in the scientific studies that have been done to treat nausea following surgery and chemotherapy, and toothache. The integration of acupuncture into western medicine is inevitable!